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Making a spiritual contact with the soul of singer Michael Jackson - 2020

"I was checking the news on my notebook one afternoon when at the right side of the screen below a small video window popped up about Micheal Jackson. I clicked on it and I was taken to a youtube page playing a video on him. It was on the mystery surrounding Micheal Jacskson's death. I started watching it. I've always been intrigued by what has happened to him exactly and how he really died?"

"So after watching the short documantary I decided to call on Micheal Jackson's soul to see If I can get something regarding how he passed away. In the past my spirit guides opened my spiritual window to show me where Micheal Jackson was when his sister Janet was talking about him after his death(this experience can be found here on my site). This was the first time I try calling his soul. It took several tries then boom! My spiritual window up in front of me opens and I barely got a glimpse of him bursting out in rage(I could feel his emotions) then with an angry tone he said"Who are you?!?...What are you doing here??!?". It was as if he was sitting on a slingshot, shooting forward momentarely for barely a second then pulling back in to were he was before."


This is a rough drawing I made of how Michael jackson came out(from the right)momentarely becoming visible in my spiritual window before pulling back in to where he was before

"For him It was as if I jumped the fence and I was tresspassing on his land, on his property and he did not like that at all. I replied and introduced myself to him in thoughts and told him who I was and what I do in life and appologized for my intrusion. As I said that the ambiance around him completely changed to a way calmer one. I felt him smilling a bit and happy. I started talking to him in thoughts and explaining things to him then I slipped in a question on how he died. Hoping to maybe pick up something from him or him sending me a thought or a sign of what really happened to him, but got nothing. I tried again, same results. It was as if he didn't want to talk about that. He kept his quiet and just listening to me. His happiness persisted as I kept explaining things to him. This communication lasted for about 30-40 minutes then I got busy with something else and my attention was distracted and little by little his presance in my spiritual window faded away as well as his attention that was on me."

Patrick Zakhm