Making contact with a ghost lady from Berry Pomeroy castle by looking at a picture, September 2019, Lebanon

A friend of mine who is very much interested in Berry Pomeroy Castle (located in South Devon, England, UK) sent me some pictures of the castle to see if i can make contact with the ghosts there. But I got nothing. I was not in the UK back then when I was doing this I was in Lebanon around 4000 kilometers away. The pictures that I received were zoomed in shots of possible ghosts captures but I could not tune myself to that. I have been to this castle ruins in the past many years ago and I did pick up the presence of two females ghosts upon my arrival but never made contact with any of them. So to get better pictures and to try to tune myself to the castle I went online and looked for other pictures taken by other people. I was looking normal ordinary pictures of this site from outside and from inside. This place is quiet haunted by the way. As I was looking I came across a picture I felt alot of ghost vibes from and was encouraged to try to make contact with whomever was there. After several tries a spiritual contact was made. It was the ghost of a young blonde Lady with very white skin, she's in her early twenties, she had thin soft blonde hair and round face similar a bit to the face of the woman in picture #3. Her hair on the sides was round and tied back similar to the hair style with yellow arrow on in pic #4 below. I could not see clearly her cloth, but it was made of two pieces of clothing top and buttom similar to picture #2. The skirt was blue similar to the blue color in picture #5 and round and sort of inflated like a balloon and it was made from thick materials. The ghost lady just stared straight at me without saying anything. I did not feel any negativity from her, she was just curious. For some reason I felt that she's an Eastern European( from Ukrainian maybe?). This spiritual perception did not last long. Below are some pictures of what this ghost lady looked and dressed like.

Patrick Zakhm

(Click here to check: My first visit to Berry Pomeroy Castle


Above is the area from inside the castle that I concentrated on. This room was giving off a lot of ghost vibes, feminine ghost vibes that is


The lady in the picture above ressambles the cloth style(there was more volume to her cloth though)and the hair style of the ghost lady I made contact with




I could not see her outfit clearly, it was vague but it looked like dark blue similar to the top you see in the picture above